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Seattle, United States

Location Accuracy

The 'Seattle Monolith' is a monolith that was constructed on new years day in 2001 as a tribute to the classic "2001: A Space Odyssey Monolith" film. The monolith was moved a few times, ending up in Interbay, Seattle.

The Monolith was fabricated by Louie Raffloer at Seattle's Black Dog Forge. It was a hollow structure measuring 1 by 4 by 9 feet (0.30 m × 1.2 m × 2.7 m), the same proportions as the Monoliths of the "Space Odyssey" series.

Initially, the artists creating the Monolith had the idea that the public would never know where the Monolith came from or who constructed it. That changed after the Monolith was removed from the park and found on Duck Island. Artist Caleb Schaber came forward as a spokesperson for Monolith announcing a group of artists named "Some People" were responsible for the art.

Date Event
December 30, 2000 Foundation poured
December 31, 2000 Monolith erected.
January 3, 2001 Monolith taken by unknown persons and moved to Duck Island in Seattle's Green lake.
January 5, 2001 A group calling themselves "Some People" come forth to claim the Monolith from Duck Island. The Monolith is stored under the Fremont Bridge while plans are made to install it semi-permanently in Magnuson Park.
January 16, 2001 Monolith reinstalled in Magnuson Park.
March 2001 Monolith removed from the Park in time for kite season and moved to a residence in Ravenna.
2002 Monolith moved to Bed Rock Foundry in the Interbay Area.
Dates & Classification
Date Spotted
Date Vanished
Possibly significant monoliths, well made, but with little information or some evidence that suggests a knockoff/generally less mystery
Multiple Monoliths
Physical Qualities
Number of Sides
Four Sides (Rectangular or Square)
Top Geometry
2.70 meters
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