A metallic monolith, similar to those that were sighted in various parts of the world, appeared in Bolivia this Wednesday, December 16, reported the authorities of the local Government of Samaipata. The location of the object was exactly in the area of La Pajcha. Four sides, written each in a language: hebrew, mandarin chinese, arabic, and russian.
The Message of the Bolivian Monolith
Samaipata, Bolivia, on 16.12.2020
"Shut up, governments!"
"Double bar on Wednesday"
"Greetings Beloved Address KIKI"
"An award / work here (9) ANU (Heaven)"
"The Father's little children / children (ABA)
"From beloved KIKI with you"
"Let your power be done"
"Calem-se, governos!"
"Barra dupla na quarta-feira"
"Saudações amada morada KIKI"
"Um prêmio/trabalho aqui (9) ANU (Céu)"
"As pequenas crianças/filhos do Pai (ABA)
"Da amada KIKI contigo"
"Faça-se o seu poder"
"¡Cállense, gobiernos!"
"Doble barra el miércoles"
"Saludos Amada Casa KIKI"
"Un premio / trabajo aquí (9) ANU (Cielo)"
"Los niños pequeños del Padre (ABA)
"De la amada KIKI contigo"
"Que se haga tu poder"