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Eureka Springs, Arkansas, United States

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It has happened again! This time in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. A mysterious metal monolith has appeared at the Farm Campground & Events. The strange metal structure, measuring 10 feet-tall, showed up in the "nest area" of the campground. The nest is a "sacred meditation area" of the campground and the area is often used for the opening ceremonies of music festivals. The Farm plays host every year to the Spaceberry Music Festival, where many attendants dress up as aliens, as well as the annual UFO Conference, thus the classification of Questionable.

Dates & Classification
Date Spotted
Questionable monoliths, not confirmed to be knockoffs but likely considering the origin or appearance of the monolith.
Multiple Monoliths
Physical Qualities
Generic Metal
Number of Sides
Three Sided (Typical Monolith Design)
Unfinished surface
Top Geometry
3.05 meters
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